2024 Mental Health Summit

Embracing Mindfulness And Managing Change

Kelsea Wilhelm2-minute read
PUBLISHED: July 15, 2024


Every year, Rocket hosts a Mental Health Summit for team members, and this year the theme was Resilience: Our Power Within. During the summit, we had the privilege of hearing from various speakers who shared invaluable insights on mental health and well-being. One standout session was led by BJ Constantine, LMHC, LPC, NCC from Spring Health who focused on the power of mindfulness and managing change.

Personally, BJ’s session was my favorite of the entire lineup at this year’s Mental Health Summit. Mindfulness can sometimes only take up a second of your time, for a dramatic impact on your day and overall well-being! Here's what I learned from BJ’s engaging and enlightening presentation.

Starting With Mindfulness

To set the stage, BJ guided us through a mindfulness moment. This exercise was designed to help us reset and establish a focused mindset for the rest of the session.

Mindfulness, BJ explained, is about maintaining moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, body sensations and our surrounding environment. The key is to do this through a gentle and nurturing lens, free from judgment. Here's how we started:

  1. Getting Comfortable: Whether seated on a cushion, chair or floor, find a comfortable position.
  2. Deep Breaths: Take three deep, slow breaths, allowing each breath to bring you into a state of calm.
  3. Body Awareness: Become aware of your body, noticing the contact between your body and your seat, and your feet resting on the floor.
  4. Imagine A Relaxing Place: Visualize a calming place, focus on the smells and sensations, while continuing to breathe slowly and deeply.

This exercise helped us let go of any negative thoughts and prepared us for the main topic of the presentation.

Understanding Resistance To Change

BJ then transitioned into discussing resistance to change, emphasizing that it is a natural human response rooted in our psychological and sociological needs. Here are some key points:

  1. Hardwiring Of The Brain: Our brains are hardwired to resist change due to the perceived threats it can pose.
  2. Psychological And Sociological Needs: These needs influence our response to change. We might not like the practice or the effects that change brings.
  3. Fight, Flight Or Freeze Response: This innate stress response helps protect us from harm. However, when we are unable to switch off this response, our bodies can't return to a state of calm, leading to increased cortisol levels and various potential health issues.

The Impact Of Constant Change And Uncertainty

BJ shared that constant change and uncertainty can have detrimental effects on our mental health. Some of the harmful impacts discussed include: 

  1. Influenced Decision-Making: Constant change can impair our ability to make decisions.
  2. Increased Anxiety And Depression: The uncertainty that accompanies change can trigger stress, leading to anxiety and depression.
  3. Prolonged Fight Or Flight Mode: When uncertainty is prolonged, we remain in a heightened state of alertness, which can reinforce negative beliefs about change and uncertainty.

Addressing Change And Uncertainty

To help us manage change and uncertainty, BJ recommended several strategies:

  1. Mindfulness Practices: Regular mindfulness exercises can help us stay grounded and calm amidst change.
  2. Awareness Of Stress Responses: Understanding our fight or flight response can help us recognize when we're feeling overwhelmed and take steps to mitigate these feelings.
  3. Embracing Change: By acknowledging that change is a constant part of life, we can develop a more adaptable and resilient mindset.

BJ's session at the Mental Health Summit was a powerful reminder of the importance of mindfulness and the need to effectively manage change and uncertainty. By incorporating mindfulness into our daily routines and understanding our natural responses to change, we can enhance our mental health and well-being. Let’s embrace these practices and continue to build our resilience, both individually and as a team.

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Kelsea Wilhelm

Kelsea started at Rocket in October of 2020 and is now a Senior Campaign Manager on the Marketing team in the Detroit office. She also sits on the board of the Team Member Resource Network (TMRN), Unstop-able. Unstop-able’s mission is to advocate, support and curate a safe space for team members who are differently abled.