Key Takeaways From Our Annual Mental Health Summit

4-minute-readUPDATED: March 08, 2024


"Every single topic and all the panelists hit the nail on the head and made me realize I am NOT alone. I am so happy to work for a company that takes mental health so seriously.” – Anonymous team member attendee

We at Rocket Companies® are dedicated to our team members’ well-being and mental health, every day, all year long. There is no shame in seeking help. For those in need of additional support, benefits or resources, there are many avenues available. Leaders, Team Relations Specialists and the Benefits and Wellness team always have our team members’ backs. Additionally, we host a mental health summit every year as an opportunity to hear from team members and special guests about their journeys with mental health.

This year’s theme was, “Recharge Your Battery.” The theme reflects how it is imperative that we continuously check in with ourselves and take care of our mental and emotional health, just as we take care of our physical health. You cannot pour from an empty cup and, to be our best selves at home and at work, it is important to support yourself emotionally."

At our third annual Mental Health Summit, 2,692 team members came together to connect on important topics such as coping with COVID-19, mental health in families and resiliency. In a survey shared following the event, 88% of respondents said they plan to apply something learned from the summit in their life going forward.

Top 10 takeaways from the presentations:

  1. While mental illness can be treated, stigma can be cured. 
  2. Mental health concerns are the greatest cause of disability worldwide and suicide deaths in America remain at epidemic levels.
  3. Raising emotionally healthy children is a rewarding, yet often challenging journey. Parents and caregivers of growing children, give yourself some grace – you don’t have to be perfect! Your children will appreciate the vulnerability and benefit from you modeling that perfect isn’t a realistic expectation. 
  4. Many team members showed courage by sharing their personal mental health journeys. In these team member sessions, it was shared to not ever let anyone tell you how to feel. If something is wrong, you are the best judge.
  5. You don’t deserve to just live; you deserve to thrive!
  6. To show allyship for those struggling with their mental health, you can let them know that you’ll be there for them and walk the walk with them. 
  7. While we all may want to be superheroes, give yourself grace and take the time to refill your cup. 
  8. Mental health exists on a spectrum. Mental health is often connected to struggle and hopelessness, which has furthered the stigma around the topic. While mental illness is concerning and needs to be recognized as one end of the spectrum, we should also acknowledge that the other end of the spectrum is thriving at one’s full potential.
  9. It is essential to ask for support and lean on your peers and leaders – you deserve it!
  10. One size does not fit all. Diversity exists just as much on the inside as it does on the outside. There is no right or wrong approach to managing mental health, and it’s important to create a care routine that works for you.

Featured external speakers:

Additional company resources:

In addition to the annual Mental Health Summit, we provide our team members with access to programs and platforms that can further support mental health and wellness.

  • Total You Guidance Resources (EAP): This program is company-sponsored, confidential and provided at no cost to team members and their dependents. Their team is here to help with grief, stress, anger management, relationships, personal development, financial setbacks and more.
  • 2nd.MD: This platform connects you with expert medical professionals across many specialties, including mental health, to receive a second opinion on a diagnosis or treatment plan.
    Inside Out: Inside Out is an interactive and experiential training that provides information on how to identify and respond to signs of mental illness. Training sessions are available for leaders and team members.
  • Rock Health Collective: Available for Michigan team members, the Rock Health Collective behavioral health professionals are licensed psychologists that can provide personalized care for your mental well-being. There is even a dedicated concierge for behavioral health scheduling.
  • Team Member Resource Networks (TMRNs): Rocket Companies strives to provide an inclusive environment for every team member which is why we created Team Member Resource Networks (TMRNs)! Through networking, mentoring, resource sharing and development events, each TMRN collectively creates opportunities for team members to thrive within Rocket Companies. Each one is open to all team members and serves a unique purpose while keeping our strategic pillars in mind: Educate, Develop, Community and Act. Many have specific outlets of support and allies for team members with disabilities or illnesses.

Other resources available to team members include things like meditation apps and virtual behavioral health care. Visit the Benefits and Perks page for more ways that Rocket Companies helps its team members live their best lives.