Supporting Your Mental Health

Lexie Robak3-Minute Read
UPDATED: February 21, 2024


We all know that prioritizing mental health is important but finding ways to support your mental health can be difficult. With many changes in our world, taking the time to support your mental well-being is just as important as your physical one.

Learn more about how you can support your mental health with a few easy steps and put these tips into practice.

Utilize The Resources Available To You

Team members at Rocket Companies® have access to many different resources including the Rock Health Collective, our exclusive one-stop shop for all your health care needs in Detroit. There, our team members experience the top care from the best health care providers.

Our Team Member Assistance Program also provides resources to support your mental health including 12 free therapy sessions annually. Taking advantage of the resources that you have access to is a great first step toward supporting your mental health.

Write Down Things You’re Grateful For

Oftentimes, it can be easy to focus on the negative things in your life. Taking the time to refocus on the positive aspects of your life can take practice, but one simple way to start is through reflection on the things you have.

Find a time each week to write down what you’re grateful for. These things don’t need to be huge; they can be small, everyday moments or people that make your life better. Write them all down and look at them to remember that through all the tough times there is a lot to be thankful for.

Surround Yourself With A Good Community

A big part of your well-being is determined by your environment and the people that you surround yourself with. It’s believed that you become like the people that you spend the most time with. Are those people making you a better human? It’s important to be around people that make you feel good.

If you find yourself drained after spending time with certain people, it’s ok to consider a detox and remove them from your life. Letting go of the negative people in your life can lead you to a better headspace and ultimately help your mental health.

Know When To Take Breaks

If you find yourself always on the go, it’s important to recognize that and find moments to step back and take a break. Depending on your lifestyle, a long break away from all distractions might not be possible, but there are a few things you can do to quickly step back and give yourself a moment.

Listening to music is always a great way to decompress. Whether you do this while laying down or going on a short walk, music has a way of helping force the noise of the world away.

Meditation, breathwork and yoga are other forms of relaxation that can provide quick relief. Find a couple minutes to do what makes you happy and helps you feel calm.

Take Care Of Your Body

Physical health can play a large role in your mental health. Exercise and physical activity are powerful antidotes to stress, anxiety and depression. When you work out, your body releases endorphins which can boost your mood and relieve stress.

Your diet also plays a big part in how you feel. Fueling your body with the proper nutrients is important because it can impact your mood, behavior and cognition. A balanced diet can lead to a decrease in irritability, depression and lethargy. To make sure you’re getting the most out of your foods, focus on whole grains, fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and healthy fats.

Don’t forget that hydration is also a part of your diet. Drinking water throughout the day can help with concentration and focus. Lastly, have a bedtime routine to help you settle your body down at night. Strive for at least 8 hours of sleep, but most importantly stay consistent in your routine.

Start Today

You now have everything you need to get started on your mental health journey. Use these tips to get begin but keep researching and learning what works best for you.

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Lexie Robak

Lexie is a Recruitment Brand Manager on the Talent Brand team. She’s been working with Rocket Companies for over 4 years. She’s a remote team member working in the Chicagoland area. Lexie loves hanging out with friends and watching the Detroit Lions.