All Aboard The Bus!

Gabriel Ciavaglia2-Minute Read
UPDATED: February 26, 2024


As our team members return to a hybrid work schedule, commuting to the office has returned as well. Because of that, the return of sitting in traffic is also making a comeback. If sitting in traffic doesn’t sound like fun to you, have you thought about getting to the office a different way? 

Transit Passes For All

Rocket Companies® has begun providing full reimbursement for transit passes for our team members. What this means is that when you buy a transit pass from your local transit agency, you can submit the receipt to our Commute Solutions team and receive a full reimbursement for your monthly transit pass.

Rocket Companies already provides team members with free on-site parking, so by providing reimbursement for transit passes, it allows team members who don’t drive a car to get a similar benefit to team members that drive.

In addition to the transit pass reimbursement, we also have free, secured, on-site bicycle parking as well, which gives team members yet another option to get to work without a car. 

Active Transportation: What is it?

Besides the benefit of having your transit pass fully reimbursed and free on-site bicycle parking, there’s also a health benefit by taking these alternative modes of transportation to workexercise.

When we take the bus or ride a bike to work, we’re able to add exercise as a regular part of our day. Whether you’re walking to the bus stop or pedaling your bike, you’re getting active with your transportation.

We lose out on those health benefits and need to set aside extra time to get active when we’re taking our car to work. 

TMRNs And How They Support Us

TMRN stands for Team Member Resource Network, and they’re internal groups at Rocket Companies that give team members who share a similar identity or cause, a space to meet.

Personally, I’m part of the Mobility and Transit Advocates TMRN. Originally, we started first advocating for better transit in the city of Detroit, but as the company has grown and now has offices in Windsor, Ontario, we’ve expanded our mission to improving transit and mobility options within all our cities offices.

We also help team members find alternative modes of transportation to work. This can be done by helping them find the best transit route, where they can park their bike or other tips and tricks to commute to work without a car. 

I’m a big advocate for improving public transit and mobility within our communities, so finding the Mobility and Transit Advocates TMRN was amazing as I was able to connect with other team members and collaborate to improve mobility within our respective communities.

The Bottom Line

Having the ability to choose between different modes of transportation is a great perk and having the ability to find TMRNs for different causes and identities helps form a sense of inclusion. So, hop on the bus and join us. 

Click the link to see all of our perks and benefits.

Gabriel Ciavaglia

Gabriel Ciavaglia is a software developer and a passionate public transit and community advocate. After graduating from the University of Windsor, he started as a software engineering intern and converted to a full-time team member, working on both our back-end and front-end applications. Outside of work, he is part of a public transit advocacy group in Windsor and enjoys playing soccer and studying city planning.