The Home Office Initiative: Q&A With Becky Glynn And Kristin Kostrzewski

Rachel Burris3-Minute Read
UPDATED: February 26, 2024


When COVID-19 transitioned Rocket Companies® to work remotely, tens of thousands of team members scrambled to create an effective setup at home. While some converted their attics or basements into home offices, others had to carve out space wherever they could find it.

Rocket Companies® quickly sent out monitors to improve each team member’s home office. However, our new Home Office Initiative team found another way to enhance team members’ comfort, productivity and postures.

Through their Home Office Initiative, a small team of four are assisting thousands of team members across the country by providing them with ergonomic chairs and adjustable standing desks. We caught up with the team to hear more about their great, new initiative. See what they had to say.

Q: Please introduce yourselves.

A: Becky Glynn: I’ve worked for Rocket Companies® for the past 6 1/2 years on the Event team.

Kristin Kostrzewski: I’ve been with Rocket Companies® for just over 6 years. After 15 years as an interior designer by trade and education, I hung up my designer hat in January 2019 and moved over to the Focus team [a service-oriented team responsible for supporting team members] as the Director of Workplace Strategy.

Chris Hughes: Been with Rocket Companies® since 2014. Started out on Facilities and moved over to the Event team.

Jason Vandall: I’ve been a part of Rocket Companies® for almost 17 years. I have been part of the same business area for all 17 years. My main area of focus now is a Project Manager with the Focus team and I manage all things furniture related, including our relationships with our furniture vendors.

Q: What gave you the idea for the Home Office project?

A: The Qube and One Campus Martius [two office buildings in Downtown Detroit] had just started renovations, and as a result, we started having furniture inventory return to our installation partner’s warehouse. Due to the nature of our current work from home climate and our consistent striving to improve team member experience, it made sense to utilize this inventory to upgrade our team members’ home offices.

Q: What did the program entail?

A: It started with the Pulse [Rocket Companies® extensive Human Resources team] surveying our team members to get their thoughts on their current work from home environment. Due to the response, we sent a secondary survey out to get specifics on whether team members needed a chair or desk or both.

After looking at the quantity of our assets to give away, we determined to host a lottery in five predetermined geographical locations. Then, chaos emerged! We notified all the winners and were hosting item pickup time slots just 4 days later.

Q: What made you so passionate about this initiative?

A: The ability to impact the team member experience by bringing them comfort and increased functionality while working from home.

Q: How many team members requested items?

A: 7,767 Rocket Companies® team members

Q: How many desks and chairs were distributed?

A: 1,099 chairs and 1,333 desks to date. We have 3,276 chairs and 3,162 desks left to go.

Q: What precautions have you built into this process and program to keep team members safe during COVID-19?

A: Having a touchless drive-thru desk and chair pickup is one way that we’re ensuring a safe transaction. This pickup process is quick and efficient for everyone who rolls through.

Q: We’ve heard the goal is to bring this initiative to Rocket Companies'® other locations. How will you tackle such a huge undertaking?

A: We’ve already completed our Detroit and Cleveland locations. The next locations we’ll be taking this initiative to are Charlotte, Phoenix and San Diego all with the same safety precautions and plans in place.

Q: How does this initiative speak to the ISMs and our culture?

A: In the most challenging of times, we leaned into our culture, raised our level of awareness and found the inches to support the team member experience, even from home.

Q: Why is this initiative so important for Rocket Companies® and its team members?

A: It’s no secret, 2020 has been challenging for everyone. This initiative is important because it’s another way our company can support team members. Though we’ve invested millions in our assets, numbers and money follow, they do not lead. The investment we have in our team members far exceeds the spend on desks and chairs.

Rocket Companies® understands how isolating working from home can be, which is why we make every effort to learn about team member experiences. The company asks, listens and delivers.

Join a team that cares.

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Rachel Burris

Rachel Burris is a writer covering topics of interest to present and future homeowners, as well as industry insiders. Prior to joining Rocket Companies, she worked as an English teacher for the New York City Department of Education and a licensed real estate agent for Brown Harris Stevens. She holds a bachelor's degree in creative writing from Bucknell University, a postbaccalaureate certificate in psychology from Columbia University and a master's degree in English education from Teachers College, Columbia University.