Gaining Skills And Confidence: A Rock Academy Success Story
Sarah Kindinger2-Minute Read
UPDATED: February 21, 2024
Everyone defines success differently. Before coming to work at the Rocket Companies®, I did as well. If you would have asked me 8 years ago, I would have said that being promoted was the definition of success. Fast forward to today and now I would say success is finding a place where you can be your authentic self and are given opportunities to pursue your passions. One passion of mine has always been graphic design.
In my current role as a Communication Strategist, I have the unique opportunity of creating presentations for team members who speak externally. Being able to help people turn a presentation of bullets into a visual story is nothing short of amazing. As I look to help create these stories, it is great to be able to create images that amplify the message and are aligned with our brand.
Pursuing My Passion
One day, I was sitting at my desk and I got an email that our company had launched Rock Academy to offer educational opportunities to team members. I immediately went to the site and searched for graphic design. I applied that day and worked diligently to get accepted into the program. Being able to pursue something that I was incredibly passionate about that was not directly related to my role is one of the million reasons why I love working for this company.
As soon as you apply, you are assigned an education success coach that you work with to ensure you are set up for success. So far, I have completed three 7-week classes, all virtually. The classes are easy to access through a secure portal. The instructors have all gone above and beyond to make time to answer questions, provide feedback on work and offer additional resources. The one thing that I appreciate most about these classes is the hands-on practical application. Each week, we complete a module that typically consists of reading assignments, online discussion and then assignments that apply the knowledge. I can already see the difference in my confidence with being able to create even better visual presentations.
I have two classes to go but am already thinking about pursuing an advanced certificate. Having a culture and company that supports the things you love is something that to me is the definition of success. Confucius once said, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” I am lucky enough to have found a job I love and get to work at a place where the company culture sets the expectation of continuous growth.
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Sarah Kindinger
Sarah Kindinger is a Communications Strategist on the Rock Central Public Relations team. She joined the company in 2013 with over 15 years of experience in developing and delivering training globally. She holds a master’s degree from Ellis University and a bachelor’s degree from Western Michigan University.
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