Rocket Academy: Why Not Take The Leap?

Alexandria Barnes2-Minute Read
UPDATED: March 07, 2024


Why not try something new to help my professional career? Being a wife and mother of three boys, you never know when you will be able to go back to school and finish your degree.

I’ve been with Rocket Companies® since December 2012 and always knew I wanted to go back to school. In the summer of 2020, I asked myself a simple question, why not? I decided to “raise my level of awareness” and look into the unique educational programs available to me as a team member at Rocket Companies.

What Is Rocket Academy?

Rocket Academy is a tuition reimbursement program that helps you pursue your career and degree at the same time. This program offers team members a chance to continue their education and earn a degree in specific fields and obtain an associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s or Ph.D. degree.

These degrees are fully or partially funded by Rocket Companies and aid team members who wanted to return to school, like myself, but didn’t have the opportunity or funds to go. Team members can research schools, the programs offered and what Rocket Companies will cover.

The process was super easy and smooth. I decided to attend Southern New Hampshire University and obtain my bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Human Resource Management. I chose this degree because I am very people focused and would love to continue my career by helping and encouraging team members to achieve their hopes and dreams.

How You’ll Benefit

The Rocket Academy program has benefitted my professional life a great deal. I recently made a career move and moved to a new business area within Rocket Companies. This move is a fresh start for me as an Executive Assistant in Marketing and a learning opportunity that I couldn’t pass up. To be an Executive Assistant, you must understand the business and be able to make fast decisions for the leaders you are supporting.

The marketing courses I took through the Rocket Academy program helped me tie threads of my past experience and new skills which allowed me to understand the business better and how I could help those I was supporting. These courses enhanced my problem-solving skills, strategic thinking skills and overall marketing knowledge. Along with Rocket Companies offering this type of program, leaders encourage you and provide support on anything you need regarding the course.

Southern New Hampshire University has 8-week courses available, year-round. The classes are self-paced and have due dates twice a week. I am now two years in and planning on graduating early in December 2023. The program is valuable so ask yourself, “Why not?”

Take The Leap

Deciding to further your education is a big decision. Thankfully, the Rocket Academy program has made it easier for me to fulfill my dreams while continuing to work.

Want to learn more about the Rocket Academy program?

Alexandria Barnes

Alexandria Barnes is a native-born Detroiter with almost 15 years professional experience. She’s a mother of three beautiful boys and an Army Strong wife. Her goal is to utilize her degree to help develop team members and continue strategic planning for executives and their teams. Her favorite quote is, "Character is how you treat those who can do nothing for you."- Unknown