Raising Money To Help Our Communities Fight COVID-19

2-Minute ReadUPDATED: February 26, 2024


Back in March, life as we knew it changed forever. We all came face to face with a global crisis, but our team members rallied together to do the right thing.

One amazing example of how we’ve come together is the outcome of our fundraising match campaign. With social distancing policies implemented, food distribution centers were facing a dire shortage of volunteers. So many families already struggle with consistent access to quality food sources, and many students get their meals from their schools which are now closed. We knew we needed to do something to help our community, so we set up this match campaign to support critical relief organizations in our home cities of Detroit, Phoenix, Charlotte and Cleveland. 

Coming Together To Make A Big Impact

Today, I’m proud to announce this campaign exceeded all expectations. Team members from across the Rocket Companies® donated an incredible $311,208.07, for a total of $622,416.14 raised with our Rocket Community Fund match. 

I know what a difficult time this has been, so we cannot understate the generosity of everyone who gave during this campaign. I’m so proud of my fellow team members for stepping up when our communities needed it most. 

We’ve proven that “Stronger Together” is not just a nice phrase to express camaraderie during times of adversity. How we’ve all come together – across teams, leadership levels and companies within the Rocket Companies® – to support our communities and respond to this crisis is a testament to who we are as an organization. 

Feed The Frontlines

From the procurement and distribution of personal protective equipment, to investment in Feed the Frontlines and our local COVID-19 testing site, to support for vulnerable families and communities with financial assistance and rent forgiveness, we’re ensuring that our communities are supported in recovering from this crisis.

Perhaps even more importantly, we’re creating opportunities to build long-term equity and resilience for Detroit and our home cities. 

Connected Futures Initiative

Most recently, we announced our Connected Futures Initiative, a large-scale program that will provide computer tablets and internet connectivity to 51,000 Detroit Public School students and their families, so that they can continue their education through distance learning. None of these initiatives would have been possible without the hard work and dedication of each and every one of our team members. 

Check out the infographic below for further breakdown of our impact:

Together, anything is possible.  

This article was written by our team member Laura Grannemann, VP of Strategic Investments at Rocket Community Fund. For more stories like this, click here.

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