IGNITE: Breaking Through Roadblocks To Optimize Your Career

Jeannette Baum3-minute read
UPDATED: February 21, 2024


Here at Rocket Companies®, we’re constantly improving and finding new ways to give our team members the resources they need to make the most out of their careers and their lives. By offering courses, guides, in-depth training, and mentorships, we give our team members the ability to take full advantage of their time with us. One of the resources offered is Ignite, a 4-hour course featuring five leaders within Rocket Companies®.

This course is great for those who want real-world, successful examples of how to overcome various obstacles straight from the leaders who have lived it. It’s not the typical class that’s rife with dull PowerPoints and uninspired speeches that leave you with no valuable takeaways.

Sharing their personal and professional stories, these leaders dig deep to walk you through their raw experiences and offer concrete advice for how to approach obstacles in your own life and career.

The course is broken up into five main sections to help you navigate your career like a pro:

1. Action – Seize Your Day

During this portion of the course, team members are given a six-step process they can refer to when they are working toward their goals. The plan starts with envisioning the outcome and ends with owning your why. If you take the time to envision your ideal outcome and follow a plan, you’ll have a clear direction and achieve what you’re striving for. It’s important to know your true north and have an end target in mind so you can take the best action.

2. Emotion – Ignite Your Why

Many people in the world wake up and dread getting out of their warm, cozy beds to head to a position where they feel they’re wasting time, working only for a paycheck, and willing the weekend to come as quickly as possible. A career doesn’t have to be – and shouldn’t be – a mundane, lackluster aspect of life that makes us feel as if we’re just another spoke in the wheel.

We should be engaged and working toward something that makes us want to jump out of bed in the morning. This section will encourage you to explore what it is that motivates you. You’ll learn to uncover the driving forces for why you do what you do, and how to leverage those on a daily basis to stay engaged in your work.

3. Mind – Choose Your Attitude

In this section, team members uncover how to make the most of the place we spend the majority of our time – our minds. You’ve likely heard the saying “mind over matter,” but what if you used both to work in your favor?

Learning how to cultivate a thinking environment that empowers you to make better decisions is critical in the modern workplace. For this portion, leaders provide team members with time-honored tools to put a better attitude into action.

4. Keynote

This portion is an all-encompassing walkthrough of one leader’s journey. The leader will talk about their personal experiences: The good, the bad and the ugly. They’ll lay out how those experiences shaped them and offer tangible advice for how the team member can use their own past experiences to their advantage.

5. Fireside Chat

Rather than make the course a 4-hour lecture from leader to team member, we intentionally made the experience more conversational. Time is included for each team member in attendance to pick the leaders’ brains and ask questions.

Across any industry, it’s common to hear people talk about how unsatisfied they are in their current position. There are specific tools we can use to shake off the rust of staying stuck in lifeless motions and fully embrace a fresh perspective on any career. Identify your purpose, acknowledge your roadblocks, find the right mindset and take the first steps toward achieving your goals. Although it may not be common to love your job, we assure you, it’s possible. Be uncommon. Ignite your career.

Does Ignite sound like a course you might be interested in? Good news! These courses are free and can be accessed by any team member in Rocket Companies®. We’re always looking to add motivated individuals to our ever-growing family.

Check out the current list of job openings at MyRocketCareer.com.

Jeannette Baum

Jeannette is a Marketing Communications Manager for Rocket Mortgage, and she heads up a team of publishers for the Publishing House. She is well-versed in home decor, marketing, and recruiting, interviewing, and hiring for Fortune 500 companies. Jeannette holds a Bachelor Degree in Marketing and loves writing informational blogs.