Growing Diverse Partnerships In 2022
Mickey Maher3-Minute Read
UPDATED: February 27, 2024
Our Talent Brand team supports over 20 partnerships throughout the year to help build employer brand, create a diverse and qualified talent pipeline and showcase our internal team members’ stories to our communities. In 2021, we hosted, sponsored and facilitated many virtual experiences with our partners.
Learn more about these 4 key partners we’re working with in 2022!
Blavity, Inc.
Blavity, Inc. is a diversified digital media company that builds platforms to inform, entertain and engage communities of color. Our Talent Brand team works primarily with Blavity’s platform AfroTech. AfroTech is a conference and a web platform where founders and employees of some of the fastest-growing tech startups present tactics and strategies to grow their business.
This partnership helps us grow our technology recruitment by getting in front of over 6,000 attendees throughout the year and gathering over 1,000 resumes.
Student Veterans of America
Student Veterans of America is a premier organization leading service, research, programs and advocacy for veterans in higher education. Through a dedicated network of more than 1,500 on-campus chapters in all 50 states and three countries overseas representing more than 750,000 student veterans, Student Veterans of America helps veterans achieve their greatest potential.
Our Talent Brand team works with Student Veterans of America by sponsoring their annual conference, NatCon, visiting on-campus chapters with our University Relations team and showcasing our Tour of Duty Program.
Hispanic Alliance for Career Enhancement
The Hispanic Alliance for Career Enhancement is a national non-profit dedicated to the employment, development and advancement of current and aspiring Latino professionals. Through professional development, resources, networks and by facilitating access to meaningful career opportunities, Hispanic Alliance for Career Enhancement helps over 85,000 members across the country.
Our Talent Brand team partners with Hispanic Alliance for Career Enhancement by attending full-time and internship career fairs, hosting TMRN (team member resource network) lunch and learns, as well as sending team members to the annual Hispanic Alliance for Career Enhancement conference.
In 2022, we’re even looking to send team members through Mujeres de HACE. This is a women’s program geared to empower high-potential Latina professionals to thrive personally and succeed professionally.
Detroit at Work
Detroit at Work, powered by Michigan Works! Agency, is an employment program that showcases companies and careers to Detroiters. Though Detroit at Work focuses on Detroit employment, Michigan Works! Agency helps find jobs for all Michiganders.
Michigan Works! is the first statewide, unified workforce development system in the country. Every Michigan region is represented by public and private sector leaders who come together to share experiences and develop strategies to keep the state’s workforce strong and growing.
Our Talent Brand team has been working with Detroit at Work for some time. In 2021, Rocket Companies® co-hosted the first “313 Day Career Fair” on March 13 with Detroit at Work. This was an exclusive opportunity for Rocket Companies to get Detroiters familiar with our recruiting teams and the careers we have to offer.
That event was so successful, we decided to co-host a career fair every quarter. Not only were we able to hire Detroiters from these events, but we wanted to upskill our local talent as well. That’s when we decided to start hosting exclusive professional development workshops.
Alongside our talented DevCore team, we hosted two workshops using our very own Journey content. In 2022, we’re looking to host four exclusive Rocket Companies career fairs as well as four exclusive Rocket Companies professional development workshops.
At Rocket Companies, we’re always looking to grow our partnerships and diversify our workforce. These 4 key partners will help us accomplish these goals in 2022. If there are partners you think we should reach out to, email Mickey McDermott at MickeyMcDermott@RockCentralDetroit.com
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Mickey Maher
Mickey Maher is a Recruitment Brand Manager on the Rock Central Talent Brand team. She works with partners and sponsorships to keep our recruitment brand top of mind both locally and nationally. She’s worked with partners in both Talent Acquisition as well as marketing. Mickey lives in Detroit with her cat Meeko and husband, Mike McDermott, who is part of Rocket Pro TPO.
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