Setting Yourself Up For Success In 2023

Lexie Robak2-Minute Read
PUBLISHED: December 29, 2022


We’re approaching the new year and everyone’s thinking about resolutions and setting goals, so it’s time to get your career in order. There are many things that you can do to prepare for the new year that will help you achieve all your personal and professional goals in 2023.

Starting With Mental Health

If you’re waiting for a sign to prioritize your mental health in the new year, let this be it! Getting your mind right is the best way to set yourself up for success. This can look different for everyone – for some it may mean spending more time outside and going on more walks, for others it could be attending therapy sessions.

No matter how you prioritize your mental health, it’s important that you do. Taking the necessary steps to feel good is important no matter your career.

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

Just like it’s important to make sure your mind is healthy, it’s also necessary to keep your body feeling strong. This can mean eating healthy and finding a way to stay active. Set a goal for each week for a certain amount of steps per day, this is a great way to remain active during your work day and also a good form of exercise. 

There are lots of ways to eat healthier, but here are some of my favorites. Start your year by writing down a list of healthy meals that you want to make, then each time you can’t decide on what to eat, cross off one of the meals on the list. Another way to create healthy habits is to focus on one meal. If you decide to eat a healthy breakfast every day, that gives you a healthy start to the day and 33% of your meals will already be healthy, leaving you flexibility for the others.

When your body is feeling good, you are feeling good! Making these improvements can help you feel better everyday in 2023.

Goal Setting

Making a few changes in your life can make a difference, but when you set goals for yourself, it’s easier to stay on pace and make a big impact. When goal setting, it’s important to set an attainable goal, you want something that will be difficult to achieve but that’s within reach.

When you have a goal that is challenging, it helps you to work hard and can keep you motivated. For many, setting a goal for the entire year can be scary. Setting weekly goals can help you stay on track and help prevent burnout.

Revisit Your Connections

Another way to level up in the new year is to talk to your connections and see if they are able to help you in any aspect of your life. Whether you’re looking to advance in your career, start over in a new industry, get stronger, eat healthier or anything else, there may be people in your network that can help you get there.

The new year is the perfect time to start focusing on your goals and achieving them. Use these tips and more to level up in 2023.

Lexie Robak

Lexie is a Recruitment Brand Manager on the Talent Brand team. She’s been working with Rocket Companies for over 4 years. She’s a remote team member working in the Chicagoland area. Lexie loves hanging out with friends and watching the Detroit Lions.