Leading From Home: Tips To Help Your Team Thrive
Lynn Murphy2-Minute Read
UPDATED: February 27, 2024
Has shifting to leading from home been a challenge? For me, that’s the understatement of the year! So, over the course of the last 3 months, I’ve reached out to fellow leaders who have been making it work to get some advice and best practices. And, through my own trial and error I’ve also learned what’s working and what’s not and making adjustments as I go. At the 3-month milestone I find myself enjoying this new challenge, and I’m seeing my team thrive.
Hopefully some of the tips I’ve learned and implemented along the way will help you, too!
Keep It Real
Everyone is facing challenges as they move from the office to home. Kids are interrupting conference calls. Significant others are working within earshot. Dogs are barking. Technology is lagging. Basements, garages and even closets have become workspaces. This is real stuff that everyone is facing – don’t hide yours so they won’t feel they have to hide theirs! Show your real self. Then brainstorm with them on workarounds and help them clear roadblocks.
Keep The Team Together
While still in the office, my team established a routine of a quick, informal huddle to start each day. Since going home, we’ve continued that routine via videoconference. We start our mornings together, and it’s proven to be a great way to stay connected! Topics of conversation run the gamut from brainstorming and best-practice sharing to what we had for dinner last night, what we’re watching on Netflix and the best places for grocery delivery. We’ve also gotten a glimpse inside each others’ homes and families and have really gotten to know each other better.
Keep The Balance
Even though there’s an increased emphasis on being empathetic and accommodating, team members still need to feel they’re being challenged in their roles. Don’t lower your standards. Maintain visibility into projects and goals. Make sure expectations are clear and hold team members to them.
Keep The Celebrations Going
Most people like to be propped out for a job well done. While a high-five is currently off-limits, recognition definitely is not! Celebrate your team members’ accomplishments publicly – this can be in an email chain, on a chat or preferably via video. Have team members invite a family member or roommate to join a video chat if you plan to recognize them for something positive. Right now, as never before, we have an opportunity for our team members to share their work life with their friends and family – to witness their successes and make them proud. Don’t squander this opportunity to bridge the gap between work and home.
In Conclusion
The lessons I’ve learned while leading from home over these past few months have been invaluable. When you strip away the physical office space and all the things, what you’re left with is the people. How you make them feel will determine their success and yours. When they feel connected, challenged, supported and appreciated, you’ll always get their best!
We know our greatest asset is our people.
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Lynn Murphy
Lynn Murphy is Director of Talent Acquisition at Rock Central, leading all mortgage banking hiring for our Cleveland and Phoenix sites. She has significant experience leading teams of recruiters working remotely or in off-site locations, and is passionate about keeping teams engaged and feeling connected even when they’re not in the same physical space. Lynn holds a BA in Communication Management from the University of Dayton.
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