Technology Interview Questions
Jeannette Baum3-Minute Read
UPDATED: March 07, 2024
2020 has brought plenty of changes in the past few months. For many people, this includes a career change – some are considering switching careers for positions that can be done from home. Because of this, careers in the tech industry are quickly increasing in demand. If you’re considering a position in technology, we’re here to help.
We put together a list of questions being asked in interviews for technology positions to help you be better prepared.
Common Interview Questions
1. What programs are you familiar with, and what is your skill level in these programs?
This might be obvious, but the interviewer is guaranteed to ask this question in any tech interview you get. Since these programs should already be listed on your resume, be sure to have examples on hand of how you worked in these programs that showcase your skill level in real-life situations.
2. What online resources do you use to help you do your job?
Part of working in the tech industry means being able to find the solution to whatever problem arises in the project you’re working on. Those who are serious about tech will often have go-to sites they use to research solutions and to help troubleshoot.
Marian Pascu is a Recruiter that specializes in technical recruiting. He goes a step further to ask candidates if they contribute to these sites as well. “There are a lot of tech communities that technologists can contribute to, for example GitHub or even joining a Google Developers group,” says Marian. “These are great ways to bounce ideas off of others and learn about new things that others are working on.”
3. How are you staying up to date with technology?
Tech companies need to be at the forefront of innovation in order to remain relevant in an ever-changing world. They want to know if you can keep up and even help them innovate further. Do you take courses to keep up with certifications? Have you attended any recent conferences? Do you subscribe to newsletters that update you every day about what’s going on in tech? Do you listen to tech podcasts on the way to work? Do you fiddle with certain programs at home? Now’s the time to showcase these.
Interview Questions That Dig Deeper
1. What kind of projects do you work on outside of your day-to-day job?
“For this question, we’re looking for candidates that have passion projects that they work on at home,” says Marian, “Whether it’s building out an app, exploring new coding languages or even building their own computer.”
Talking about your side projects can show that you really do enjoy working in the technology space. It’s one thing to have the skills necessary to do the job, but it’s a major plus when you genuinely enjoy the work you do.
2. Are there technologies you’re not using now that you’d like to learn? What are they?
This really digs into your mindset and expands on the question about keeping your skills sharp. While keeping up to date with current skills is vital, the desire to learn new skills is equally as important as the tech industry is constantly evolving.
3. What kind of efficiencies did you build to help grow your organization?
Nick Tenn, a Senior Technology Recruiter, says one topic recruiters touch on regardless of the position is improvement. “Were you able to develop a software that helped the business go from a 3-day process to a 2-day process, or did you help the Software Development team release their software every single day as opposed to once a week?” says Nick, “The ability to see what inches can be used around them to improve the organization is huge.”
Whatever position you decide to pursue, it’s important to sufficiently prepare yourself for the interview. You can check out more career tips and apply for positions in technology at the Rocket Companies® at MyRocketCareer.com
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Jeannette Baum
Jeannette is a Marketing Communications Manager for Rocket Mortgage, and she heads up a team of publishers for the Publishing House. She is well-versed in home decor, marketing, and recruiting, interviewing, and hiring for Fortune 500 companies. Jeannette holds a Bachelor Degree in Marketing and loves writing informational blogs.
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